Natural Resources & Sustainable Development Uppsala University | Sweden
Val Troll is educating on YouTube in Volcanology, Petrology and Geochemistry.
*VOLCANOES of ICELAND*: Geology and Volcanology
45 min. Full lecture
Why are there so many volcanic eruptions in Iceland?
3:15 min.
The two faces of Volcanoes
Learning to benefit from the monster
30 min.
INTERVIEW with Chief Editor Ralf Gertisser
The Secret of Volcanoes: Fire, Beauty and Resources
Webinar for Ijen GeoPark, East Java, Indonesia, 15-Mar-2023
Interview with Prof. Nick Arndt
SUSTAINABLE Mining - Securing Metal Supplies for a Greener Future
Journal of Petrology
The PUBLICATION PROCESS Interview with Executive Editor Prof. Georg Zellmer
>180 scientific publications, 17 published reports, 6 scientific books, 2 course books, 1 children book and >400 conference abstracts.
Earth Science, Systems and Society (ES3), 2024.
Deep crustal assimilation during the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Fires, Iceland
Nature, 2024.
Solid Earth, 2024.
Messages from the past; the petroglyphs of El Hierro Island.
Geologly Today, 2024.
Terra Nova, 2024.
Magmatic Storage and Volatile Fluxes of the 2021 La Palma Eruption
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems (G3), 2024.
Assessing the plausibility of mining lunar titanium
The 2021 La Palma eruption: social dilemmas resulting from life close to an active volcano
Geology Today, 2024.
GSA Bulletin, 2024.
Gertisser, Troll, Walter, Nandaka & Ratdomopurbo (eds.):
Merapi Volcano
Book Series: Active Volcanoes of the World
572 pages, Springer, 2023.
Carracedo & Troll:
Geologia de Las Islas Canarias
(3 Volumes), Editorial Rueda S.L, 2023.
Val Troll graduated from St Andrews University, Scotland in 1998 and received his PhD from the GEOMAR Research Centre, University of Kiel, Germany, in 2001. Troll then lectured in volcanolology and petrology at Trinity College Dublin (2001-2008), during which time he habilitated at the Blaise Pascal University Clermont-Ferrand, France, in 2006. In 2008, he took up the Chair of Petrology at Uppsala University, Sweden, which he currently holds.
Obtained >62 M SEK (ca. 5.4 M EUR) to come directly to Uppsala University since installment in 2008.
2023, European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grant:
9,989,653 EUR over 72 months
Project: ROTTnROCK: Assessing the role of hydrothermal alteration on volcano morphology, instability, and unpredictable volcanic hazards
(Walter, Troll, Heap, Harnett)
Why are some volcanoes so extremely dangerous?
A researcher explains: why are some volcanoes extremely dangerous?
UU News 26-Apr-2024
Advised 25 PhD and 20 MSc students to completion.
>80 Invited Lectures and Keynote Talks since 2001.
Since 2010: Frequent contributions to science documentaries, newspaper articles and TV news, including National Geographic, Discovery Channel, BBC Earth, Swedish National TV and Swedish Radio (SVT and SR).
Carracedo & Troll (eds.):
Teide Volcano
Book Series: Active Volcanoes of the World
279 pages, Springer, 2013.
Teide Volcano has many different meanings ... a 'hell of a job', a navigation point on cloudy days, a challenge beyond imagination, a breakthrough in our understanding of oceanic volcanism that has shaped our way of thinking about volcanoes, and lastly, Teide provides us with a reference point from where to start exploring other oceanic volcanoes in the Canaries and beyond. Here we have compiled the different aspects and the current understanding of this natural wonder.
With a Visit to La Palma
An introduction for the whole family
104 pages, English - Spanish Ediciones Saquiro s.l., 2022.
GEO-Schule: Vulkanpartikel auf den Feldern Lanzarotes
GEO-Schule: Der Ätna bricht aus - Gespräch mit Dr. Boris Behncke vom Ätna Vulkanobservatorium, 2021
Pre-school "Haus für Kinder St. Sebastian" in Dettelbach, Germany, is running the project "Floating Rock" under supervision of Manuela Welter since 2019.
The kids use Youtube, get their questions answered by email and received soundfiles for their audio pen. Some of the content is known by heart by now.
In 2024 our project received the prestigious DIETER BAACKE AWARD for inspiring young children to explore volcanology through STEM learning and creative media education.
In 2023 the pre-school received the TOMMI Promotional Award Pre-School from Prof. Dr. Stefan Aufenanger and the Auerbach Foundation.
GEO-Schule: Kochen am Vulkan in Indonesien - mit Geothermalenergie, 2025
GEO-Schule: Die Kochende Geothermal Quelle am Ende der Welt, Island, Juli 2024
GEO-Schule: Am Vulkanschlot auf Island, 17. Juli 2023
GEO-Schule: Vulkanausbruch auf Island, 12. August 2022
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